Helpful Activities & Information

Breathing Techniques

Learn effective breathing exercises to help calm your mind and body during times of stress or anxiety. Practice deep breathing to promote relaxation and mindfulness. 



Relaxation Exercises

Explore various relaxation techniques to unwind and de-stress. Here is an example of guided imagery, however, if you have any traumatic or bad memories of the beach then please avoid. 

Mindfulness Exercises

Discover the power of mindfulness in improving your mental well-being. Practice staying present in the moment and cultivating a sense of awareness and gratitude.

Journaling Prompts

Engage in reflective journaling with thought-provoking prompts to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Use writing as a therapeutic tool for self-discovery and growth.

Some questions you can ask yourself are: 

1) What values do you consider most important in life and how do your actions align with those values? 

2)What three changes can you make to live according to your personal values?

3)List 10 words that describe yourself, and then list 10 words on how you would like to describe yourself.  Add examples of how you can make some of those words a reality.

4)What do you appreciate the most about your personality? What parts do you find harder to accept? 

5) Finish this sentence: "My life would be incomplete without ........"

6) What difficult thoughts or emotions come up most frequently for you? 

7) Which emotions do you find hardest to accept (e.g guilt, anger, disappointment etc)? How do you handle these emotions when they present themselves? 

8) Describe your favourite thing to do when feeling low. 

9) How do you prioritise your self/self-care?

10) What three things would you share with your teenage self? What three questions would you want to ask an older version of yourself?


Some of these questions will be more helpful to you than others depending on what is going on personally for you. I suggest not attempting questions that are too difficult as you can always come back to them, however some uncomfortableness may be felt.  


Informative Links 

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